Your vet told you to keep the e-collar on, but your pet is hating every second of it. Now it’s time to make a decision – keep the collar on, or take it off?
Whether your pet just got out of surgery or needs protecting from an allergy flare, the cone of shame is a pet parent’s best friend. That said, it probably isn’t your pet’s best friend. While many pets are unbothered by an e-collar, most pets are going to give you sad looks or sometimes even exhibit destructive behavior towards an Elizabethan collar.
As pet parents, we have to look past the puppy-eyes and keep that e-collar on. If you’re willing to monitor your pet, it can be good practice to remove the e-collar during periods of rest to prevent any potential injury or discomfort. Just remember to keep a close eye on your pet, and if they start to resume activity or licking wounds, the e-collar has to go back on for their safety! As a general rule, you should leave it on until your vet's recheck visit. At that time, they will tell you if the cone can come off or needs to stay on.
Many pet parents turn towards comfier, and equally effective e-collar alternatives. The KONG® Cloud and the KVP EZ Soft are the most popular dog cone alternatives among veterinarians and pet parents.
The KONG® Cloud e-collar takes out the obstruction of vision factor that is a major downside to most cone-wearing pets. Similar to those airplane neck pillows for humans, it stops full rotation and movement of the neck, making it difficult for pets to reach any hot spots or surgical incisions with their mouths.
The KVP EZ Soft the lightweight e-collar that protects pets with similarly obstructed vision as the traditional dog cone. However, if your pet is more destructive in their environment, where their cones are running into furniture and walls, this collar is unique. It folds around any significant pressure from hard surfaces like those walls, and springs back into place when relieved of that surface. This allows pets to maneuver their homes as similarly as they would without a cone.
Whether you choose to protect your pet with an e-collar alternative, or decide to sit through the regular e-collar, the number one choice is to keep that e-collar on for your pet’s safety.